iCal, xCal, and jCal Feeds

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Scott (Tandem)
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed May 14, 2008 2:34 pm

iCal, xCal, and jCal Feeds

Postby Scott (Tandem) » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:58 pm

Tandem provides event information in iCal, xCal, and jCal feeds. As changes occur on the calendar these feeds immediately reflect those changes and any reader actively reading the feed will be updated. If you filter the calendar and then hit the 'subscribed' link on the calendar view, only events that apply to the filters you set will show in the feed. Also, almost all of the objects in the system have these feeds associated with them. Go to the details page of any school, group, or facility and you will find iCal links. Any user can subscribe to these feeds off of your calendar and be updated about current events at your school.

Keep in mind by default only public events are shown in these feeds.

Here is an example iCal feed off our demo calendar.


Here is the same feed in xCal format:


Here is the same feed in jCal format:


Options that can be passed into the exporter and appropriate values are:

date_start – expects either a date in yyyy-mm-dd format or no_start. (no_start will retrieve events from the earliest date)
date_end – expects either a date in yyyy-mm-dd format or no_end. (no_end will retrieve events until the latest date)
limit – expects an integer or none. (none will retrieve all events between given dates)
get_key_dates – expects ‘f’. (if this parameter is not specified key dates will be included in the feed by default)
get_events – expects ‘f’. (if this parameter is not specified normal events will be included in the feed by default)
only_recently_updated – expects ‘t’. (only retrieve events added or updated in the past 48 hours)


Add the following options to your URL to further customize your feed.

By School - '&schools=[school id]'
By Group - '&groups=[group id]'
By Facility - '&facilities=[facility id]'
By Other Location - '&facilities=[other location id]'
By Department - '&departments=[department id]'
By Activity - '&activities=[activity id]'
By Event Type - '&event_types=[event type id]'

To filter by multiple of one type - just add all the IDs separated by commas. For example - filtering by multiple schools: '&schools=1,2,3,4'


Excludes are setup just like Filters.

By School - '&ex_schools=[school id]'
By Group - '&ex_groups=[group id]'
By Facility - '&ex_facilities=[facility id]'
By Other Location - '&ex_facilities=[other location id]'
By Department - '&ex_departments=[department id]'
By Activity - '&ex_activities=[activity id]'
By Event Type - '&ex_event_types=[event type id]'

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